Permanently disabling Windows Defender on Windows 10

Until recently Windows Defender would automatically disable, if you ran a purchased Antivirus (or one of the many free ones)

However this is not the case anymore, or at least it hasn’t been for me.

Here’s how to permanently disable Windows Defender, so you can rely on your purchased Antivirus alone.

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My journey to Linux – Part 4

In part 4 I go over configuring my keyboard shortcuts to mimick those I commonly used on Windows.

I also configure automatic trim of my SSD, so I don’t have to worry about degraded performance over time.

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My journey to Linux – Part 2

In part 2 I’ll go over the installation process as well as getting hardware accelerated full disk encryption running, using my Samsung EVO 850’s SED (Self Encrypting Drive) feature.

I ran into the common “grub-efi-amd64-signed failed to install into /target/” error message, as well as “Not authorized” when trying to encrypt my drives. Both of which I finally solved.

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My journey to Linux – Part 1

Having used Windows since version 3.0 back in the DOS days, I’ve recently decided it’s time to move my workstation to Linux.

This will be the first post in a series, where I go over how the journey starts, what problems arise and (hopefully) how I solve them.

For this first post I’ll go over why, and what considerations I’ve taken before I even begin installing Linux.

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Restoring performance of Samsung 840 EVO SSD

If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely already heard about the problems with old data getting slow on Samsung’s popular 840 EVO SSD drive.

Here I go over a simple workaround to keep performance up, until Samsung can fix the problem permanently.

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C# based simple service locator

I’ve always loved the Service locator pattern – why ? Because it requires so little maintenance, and it’s a very crucial point if you want somewhat automatic dependency injection.

As you can read in my blog post “Staying DRY: Mind those switch statements” a service locator can replace cumbersome multiple switch statements which require each one to be changed whenever a new case comes along.

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How to enable Windows eDrive encryption for SSDs

As you probably know a lot of SSDs are sold as SED: “Self Encrypting Device”, what this means is that the SSD can handle encryption itself, so your CPU doesn’t have to spend cycles doing it. This in turn actually means NO LOSS of performance, because the SSD is already encrypting all its content, it just doesn’t have a password set yet.

However enabling it on a desktop PC hasn’t always been easy, in fact it’s just recently with Windows 8 and the eDrive function, that it’s become somewhat simple to do.

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